Crafting Prevents Dementia

Crafting Prevents Dementia


I have always felt there were many benefits to crafting of any kind and now there’s proof! A recent article in a neurology journal suggests that crafting is one way to reduce your risk of dementia by 23%. Not that I needed an excuse to craft but now it's a must and if anyone says I spend too much time or money crafting,  I can tell them its for my health. 

What benefits do you feel you get from crafting? Are you about the process of the craft or do you just want to get it done? I used to want to hurry up and finish a project but now I am very much about the process, I love every aspect of every craft I make. I find that breaking any project into sections prolongs the enjoyment. I choose yarn or fabric when I have a few minutes to dream about my next project then when the mood hits I'll wind the yarn or cut the pattern then when I have more time, everything is ready for me to pick up and start. Before I know it I'm finished and on to the next one. So remember to make crafting part of your daily exercise routine. Click here to read the full article  


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