It's launch day

It's launch day

IT’s launch day!!!


What an adventure this has been. Honestly I think most of my life has been leading me to this adventure and at some point you just need to go for it. After all “someday” must come, other wise we will run out of  days. I have been crafting for over 50 years-yes I’m getting old! Life is a crazy journey and the thing that has kept me sane throughout has been going from one project to the next. After all, that’s what life is right? Everything is a project including us and the life we create. Anyway, I digress, it seems I always do this so I’m sorry if you get lost in here but its all the squirrels in my head that just won’t stop talking. They all have something to say. 

My name is Lisamarie and I am the creator behind all you see here at Color-Morphosis. I love a good crafting session and its all about the relaxation, calm and peace that it brings. It’s so much more than the project at hand, it’s about the experience of making it. I love to have pretty things that create an experience, I want the cute progress keeper and stitch markers that make me smile. I want the lovely scented candle to cast a warm glow while I’m working and I want to use yarn and needles that just feel good in my hands. I’ve been known to switch needles mid project because the yarn just feels better with bamboo rather than metal needles. Anyone else relate to this? 

The idea behind Color-Morphosis is to elevate your creativity into a complete experience of self care and I hope you find something here that will help you do just that. Why all the butterfly references? Well as crafters, we take raw materials and turn them into something that hardly resembles what it was in the beginning, if that’s not like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly I’m not sure what is.  Well I can’t wait to meet you all and I hope that you find something you love here. Introduce yourself and let me know what you like to make your crafting experience unique.  




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